The 10 Best iOS Development Blogs
A list of the the ten best iOS development blogs in no particular order.
This blog by @NatashaTheRobot is awesome! She’s posting on a regular basis and the content is always very interesting. She also publishes a weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on iOS development. Take also a look at my interview with Natasha.
This is the iOS development blog with the most traffic – and quite rightly so! Ray has builded a huge team that’s publishing very long and high quality posts. They have also published a bunch of books:
- The iOS Apprentice (Fourth Edition): Beginning iOS Development with Swift 2
- Core Data by Tutorials Second Edition: iOS 9 and Swift 2 Edition
- iOS 9 by Tutorials: Learning the new iOS 9 APIs with Swift 2
- iOS Animations by Tutorials Second Edition: iOS 9 & Swift 2 Edition
- 2D iOS & tvOS Games by Tutorials: Beginning 2D iOS and tvOS Game Development with Swift 2
I haven’t read any of these books yet, but I’m nevertheless recommending they because the content on the blog is extremely good and I’ve heard just positive things about these books.
This is also a very good blog that’s focused on high-quality tutorials. So in a way it’s very similar to Ray’s blog.
This blog used to get updated very often. Recently, new posts have become a little bit less frequent, but this blog is still one of the best iOS development resources. Most of the code samples are available in both Swift and Objective-C.
@BaselNotBasil is very active the iOS development community and his blog is definitely very advisable. He’s also publishing on Stay tuned for an interview with Basel.
This is a relatively new blog by @pbellot. He writes about his journey of becoming an iOS developer. It’s very interesting and highly recommended. He has also published a very good guest post on this blog: The Grand Transition.
This blog by @aligatr has a bunch of very good posts. I especially like his “Thinking in Swift” series:
- Thinking in Swift, Part 1: Saving ponies
- Thinking in Swift, Part 1 — Addendum: Sacrificing ponies
- Thinking in Swift, Part 2: map those arrays
- Thinking in Swift, Part 3: Struct vs. Class
- Thinking in Swift, Part 4: map all the things!
This series is a must read for all developers using Swift.
On this blog you’ll find five posts a week – that’s really incredible! I’m not aware of any iOS development blogger who produces so much content. I also recommend to subscribe to his email newsletter so that you’ll never miss any post.
@ericasadun is well known in the iOS development community. Her blog is definitely a must read for every iOS developer.
@FlexMonkey has recently published a book about the Core Image framework – stay tuned for a review. You can find a lot of stuff about that topic on his blog as well. But he also covers other topics. Last year, one of his posts was even mentioned on 9to5mac: The Plum-O-Meter: Weighing Plums Using 3D Touch in Swift.
@olebegemann is an iOS developer from Germany. He has been blogging since 2009 and I’ve learned a lot from his posts.
Your favourite blogs
How about you? What are your favourite iOS development blogs? Please write your list down below in the comments!
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