iOS Developer Conferences In 2016

As an iOS developer you should go to conferences. It’s a great opportunity to learn new stuff and to get in contact with other developers. Also speaking on a conference is a great way to leave your comfort zone. This is a list of iOS developer conferences in 2016.
- March 2nd – 4th: try! Swift, Tokyo, Japan
- March 11th – 12th: RWDevCon, Alexandria, USA
- March 17th – 18th: Mdevcon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- March 25th – 26th: CocoaConf, Chicago, USA
- April 15th – 16th: CocoaConf, Austin, USA
- April 21st – 23th: MCE^3, Warsaw, Poland
- April 25th – 26th: App Builders, Zürich, Switzerland
- April 28th – 30th: NSNorth, Toronto, Canada
- May 6th – 7th: CocoaConf, Seattle, USA
- May 22nd – 25th: UIKonf, Berlin, Germany
- May 26th – 27th: iOSCon, London, UK
- August 21st – 24th: 360i dev, Denver, USA
- September 5th – 8th: iOSDevUK, Aberystwyth, UK
- September 9th – 10th: CocoaConf, Washington, USA
- September 1st – 2nd: try! Swift NYC, New York, USA
- October 14th – 16th: CocoaLove, Philadelphia, USA
- November 4th – 5th: CocoaConf, San Jose, USA
- November 7th – 8th: Swift Summit, San Francisco, USA
Over the the year more conferences will be announced, so I’ll try to keep this list up-to-date. If you have any additions, please provide a comment below.
Title Image: @ Namphon2U /