12/16 - The Best iOS Development Links
The best iOS development links from December 2016.
Optionals and String Interpolation: How to display an optional value in the user interface or the console in a nice way.
Swift Algorithm Club: Swift Stack Data Structure: “Learn how to implement a Swift stack, including push, peek, and pop, and using Generics.”
Swift.org – Swift 3.1 Release Process: “This post describes the goals, release process, and estimated schedule for Swift 3.1.”
Swift for Beans – Java Developers view on Swift: Thoughts on Swift from a Java developer’s point of view.
Swift Style Guide Updated for Swift 3: “We’ve updated our popular Swift Style Guide for Swift 3 – check out the changes inside!”
iOS Development
Pass Data with NSNotification in Swift 3: “Now, let’s talk about how and why we use NSNotification to pass data and communicate/notify between classes and structs. By the way, NSNotification, unlike its name, has nothing to do with Push Notification — rookie mistake 101 (me).”
Guarding Against Long Compiles: How to enable a compiler warning that indicates when a function takes too much compile time.
Instagram Dev, Swift Speaker & Swift Weekly Brief: A Top Dev Interview With Jesse Squires: “Jesse is a Swift guru, technology writer and speaker. He is best known for running the Swift Weekly Brief and is currently an iOS developer at Instagram.”
Title Image: @ Gustavo Frazao / shutterstock.com