Top Ten Most Popular Posts Of 2016
The beginning of the year is a good time to look back, so I put together a list of the ten most popular posts of 2016. The ranking is based on the number of page views.
#1: Network Link Conditioner
In this post we will discuss how you can simulate a bad network connection by using the Network Link Conditioner.
#2: How To Become An iOS Developer
So you want to become an iOS developer, but you don’t know how? No problem, in this post we will discuss how to do it.
#3: How To Show And Hide A Date Picker From A Table View Cell
If your app needs a date and/or time to be chosen, sometimes it is best not to have the user segue to a different View in order to accomplish this. This tutorial will demonstrate how to show and hide a Date Picker contained in a Table View Cell.
#4: The Most Common Mistakes In iOS Development
There are some common mistakes in iOS development like performing UI operations besides the main thread and force unwrapping optionals. Take a look at this post to learn more about these pitfalls.
#5: The Most Common Mistake In Using UITableViews
UITableView is one of the most important user interface objects you are using in iOS development. However, there is one common mistake in using UITableViews that could drive you crazy.
#6: A Simple NSBlockOperation Example
Concurrency is a very interesting topic and there are many situations where you should use it in iOS development. Sometimes it is the only way to provide a responsive user interface to the user. In Swift there is no language feature for concurrency yet. However, the iOS SDK provides you different concurrency APIs. In this post we’ll look at a simple example using NSBlockOperation.
#7: The 10 Best iOS Development Blogs
A list of the the ten best iOS development blogs in no particular order.
#8: 10 Reasons You Should Blog As A Developer
Blogging is a great – especially for developers! This is a list of 10 reasons why you should blog as a developer.
#9: The 5 Best YouTube Channels For iOS Developers
Take a look at my five favorite iOS development YouTube channels.
#10: Swift: Avoiding C-Style For-Loops
C-style for-loops has been removed in Swift 3. This may seem a little bit strange at first sight, but Swift has some features that allow even better loop structures.
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